PLEASE NOTE THAT ABBIANCE SINGAPORE PTE LTD IS ACTION AS A FACILITATOR ONLY ASSISTING CLIENTS. The reader should be aware that a facilitator is acting as an intermediator only and therefore does not require a financial license. The facilitators will not give any financial advice to any clients but will introduce the licensed lending and or investment parties to the client. Therefore, the facilitator will and cannot be held liable for the clients final decision.

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This information and or website is not intended as a solicitation to customers in any jurisdiction in which we are not authorized to operate. We are not Certified Financial Advisors, Securities Brokers or Stock Brokers. We are business facilitators ONLY and business managers who provide general information to private individuals about business. The information presented is not in any way considered or intended to be a solicitation of funds and is intended only as general knowledge. Please understand that the contemplated transaction(s) is strictly private and in no way relates to the United States securities act of 1933 (THE"ACT"). Please be aware that any disclosure, photo copying, distribution or use of the contents of this information is prohibited. Information displayed on our website maybe information from associated companies or partners. We / us / our company / business and business associated cannot be held liable for such displayed content. All information and related documents are never considered to be a solicitation for any purpose, in any form or content. Upon reading the articles and information you hereby acknowledge this warning and Disclaimer. All information provided is for informational purposes only and shall not be relied upon as personal financial advice by any of the parties involved.